বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

RF President includes Chief of Gen Staff Valery Gerasimov in Security Council

MOSCOW, November 15 (Itar-Tass) ? Russian President Vladimir Putin has included Chief of the General Staff of the Russia Armed Forces ? First Deputy Defence Minister Valery Gerasimov in the RF Security Council,? excluding from it Nikolai Makarov.

The presidential decree takes effect on the day of its signing, the Kremlin website specified.










Source: http://www.itar-tass.com/c154/572512.html

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Kelli O'Hara to sing 'Carousel' with Philharmonic

NEW YORK (AP) ? Kelli O'Hara will be taking a break from singing Gershwin songs on Broadway early next year ? to sing Rodgers & Hammerstein tunes with the The New York Philharmonic.

The Philharmonic said Monday that O'Hara, currently starring in "Nice Work If You Can Get It" at the Imperial Theatre, will appear as Julie Jordan in a production of "Carousel" running from Feb. 27 to March 2.

The musical includes such hits as "If I Loved You," ''June Is Bustin' Out All Over," and "You'll Never Walk Alone." O'Hara is set to return to Broadway after "Carousel" closes.

Joining O'Hara will be Nathan Gunn as Billy Bigelow, Stephanie Blythe as Nettie Fowler and Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow. John Rando will direct and Rob Fisher conducts.


Online: http://nyphil.org

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/kelli-ohara-sing-carousel-philharmonic-202117241.html

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বুধবার, ৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Fight over gay rights milestone divides Maryland

BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Ezekiel Jackson is black and his wife is white. As Jackson campaigns to legalize gay marriage in Maryland, he likens the plight of same-sex couples to that of interracial couples, who were banned from marrying in the state until 1967.

Maryland was one of the last U.S. states to allow blacks and whites to marry, but on Tuesday it could become one of the first states to legalize same-sex marriage by a popular vote. Voters in Maine and Washington are also heading to the polls to decide whether to let gays and lesbians wed.

Six U.S. states and the District of Columbia already allow gay marriage, but the decisions were made by court rulings and legislative action.

Interracial couples used to travel from Maryland to nearby Washington D.C. to wed before the state ban was lifted. It is the same trip same-sex couples now make to marry.

"I couldn't help but make that comparison," said Jackson, an organizer with the Service Employees International Union and the head of Marylanders for Marriage Equality.

Black voters have traditionally been reliable foes of same-sex marriage. In Maryland, Emmett Burns, a prominent black pastor, has been a leading opponent of the referendum and says it is insulting to African Americans to describe marriage as a civil rights issue.

"When did sodomy get to be a civil right?" Burns said in an interview. "Two consenting adults can do what they want in private but you want to change the definition and make it marriage? No."

A quarter of the Maryland electorate is black and public opinion polls suggest the outcome of the referendum will be close.

"It was against the law for black people to be married to one another at one time," Ralph Moore, a community activist, said at a recent debate in Baltimore. "The definition of marriage has constantly been changed in this country."

"Black people should not be a part of denying rights," he said. "That's not how we got here."

Gay marriage campaigners say they are beginning to win over more black voters, boosted by President Barack Obama, who was the first U.S. president to support same-sex marriage and has endorsed the efforts in Maryland, Washington and Maine.

Black celebrities like hip hop moguls Jay-Z and Russell Simmons have also spoken out in support of same-sex marriage.


But in Maryland, some voters - black and white - will never be convinced. Last month, several dozen people gathered at a Christian center in Davidsonville for an event held by the Maryland Marriage Alliance - the main group opposing the referendum.

"When you say that a homosexual family is equal to mine, that's offensive to me," said David Austin Nimicks, a lawyer with the Alliance Defense Fund. "We're talking about the intentional creation of motherless or fatherless families."

Three panelists made a case that expanding the right to marriage beyond heterosexual couples would weaken the institution and thus weaken the family.

"There's a reason the left is going after marriage," said Doug Mainwaring of the Capital Tea Party Patriots, who is gay. Family and the church are "a bulwark against government taking over our lives."

Mainwaring said allowing same-sex marriage will open the door to legalizing other kinds of unions, like "threesome relationships."

"They're trying to make this look so normal, so conservative, so appealing - they're just like you and me," he said of the campaign to legalize gay marriage.

Demographics are on the side of those pushing for expanded marriage rights. National polls consistently show more people support same-sex marriage than oppose it and that young people back same-sex marriage by a large margin.

Even Jackson, who is helping to lead the effort, said that until a few years ago, he was "very much against homosexuality." Then, he learned that a close childhood friend was gay.

He said the news forced him to reexamine his views.

"It wasn't someone throwing talking points at me that changed my mind. It was that I could relate it to something real," he said. "I think that's happened every time a group has changed their mind."

Carlton Smith, a founder of Baltimore Black Pride, said he does not personally plan to marry if the referendum passes. Smith, who is 49, says he has survived a lifetime of bullying from family members and fellow blacks and from the white gay community, and he hopes life will become easier for gay, black men in Baltimore.

"It will seem close to equality," he said. "We're not all there yet but it will be one more milestone I'll live to see."

(Editing by Jim Loney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fight-over-gay-rights-milestone-divides-maryland-030148856.html

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শনিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Cell Service Deteriorating in NY, NJ; Verizon Regarding Damage ...

Verizon?s flooded headquarters on West St., lower Manhattan (The Wall Street Journal)

As cleanup efforts continue across New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, some of America?s largest telecommunications companies are coming under increased scrutiny for being caught flat-footed after Hurricane Sandy roared across the tri-state region, causing damage Verizon?s chief technology officer now admits is worse than 9/11.

As of this morning, Verizon Wireless? network is reportedly straining, particularly in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where cell service that worked immediately after the storm is now increasingly failing.

Verizon said 94% of its cell sites were operational after the storm, but some local officials in the area believe 94% of Verizon?s wireless network has now failed them when they need it the most.

Many telecom companies, particularly AT&T, are being criticized for excessive secrecy about the ongoing state of their networks post-Sandy. AT&T, which left its customers in the dark about service restoration as late as last night while asking customers to contribute $10 to the American Red Cross, finally mass e-mailed customers a statement devoid of much detail signed by Steve Hodges, president of AT&T?s northeast region.

?Restoring our wireless network is our top priority,? Hodges writes. ?The vast majority of our cell sites in the Northeast are online and working. We are working issues in areas that were especially hard-hit, where flooding, power loss, transportation and debris all pose challenges. Our crews are working around the clock to restore network service to areas that were impacted by the storm. We will not stop until we repair all of the damage to our network and restore service back to its full capacity.?

The Federal Communications Commission correctly predicted?the situation with mobile phones could get worse before it gets better, as backup power wears down and flooding persists. At a press conference held yesterday, FCC chairman Julius Genachowski revealed at least a quarter of all cell sites in areas damaged by Sandy were not operational. Those numbers were less optimistic that those provided by carriers.

The FCC this week activated the?Disaster Information Reporting System, a central reporting point for telecommunications companies to update the agency regarding outages and other service disruptions. The FCC also alerted providers that in emergency circumstances, they can assist companies getting fuel for generators and help locate portable cell tower equipment for companies caught unaware.

AT&T?s belated letter to customers affected by Hurricane Sandy

Some may need the help.

New York State Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny and Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz both reported Verizon Wireless? outages are worsening in Brooklyn and midtown Manhattan.

Brooklyn Borough president Marty Markowitz

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today told Sen. Chuck Schumer the federal agency will reimburse New York for 100 percent of the costs incurred restoring power across the storm areas. But that may not expedite how quickly power returns.

Power restoration is expected to bring most cell towers back online. Worsening service is being attributed to battery backup or generator equipment exhausting on-hand fuel supplies, which usually keeps service up and running for up to three days. That means cell towers without power and unreachable by workers will have begun failing late Wednesday into today.

Damage assessments are further behind in New Jersey, the state that took the worst impact from Hurricane Sandy.

Stop the Cap!?obtained some new figures from cell phone companies regarding the state of their networks:

  • Verizon: Still holding to 94% operational in storm areas;
  • AT&T: Declined to comment except to say ?the vast majority? of their network is operational;
  • T-Mobile: 80% operational in NYC, 90% operational in Washington, D.C.
  • Sprint: 75% operational
http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ Verizon Offices Damaged 11-1-12.mp4

Verizon?s critical network takes another hit. ?We?ve been here before,? says one Verizon executive, referring to the destruction from the 9/11 terrorist attacks which severely damaged the same facility on West Street now flooded out. (3 minutes)

Our readers report that cell service becomes spotty to non-existent in coastal New Jersey and Connecticut. In Manhattan anywhere south of 29th Street, readers report almost no signals at all.

Verizon?s damaged facilities include those on West and Broad Streets in Manhattan (circled).

Residents are trading tips about ?magic spots? where cell service does suddenly pop up, and Gizmodo notes?the only place in Alphabet City (the east side in southern Manhattan) to get service is on literally one street corner, where crowds congregate to make and receive calls.

The other salve for telecom withdrawal is the nearest pay phone.

Amusing stories of 20-somethings waiting in long lines only to be confounded by unfamiliar pay phones are appearing in the New York media. One radio station even aired basic instructions for members of the Millennial Generation that have never heard of inserting coins into telephones.

The biggest challenge for the city?s pay phone vendors is clearing them of coin overloads, something unheard of before the storm.

The often maligned pay phone has exposed the limits of the ?more advanced? and expensive networks that were supposed to replace them. Despite claims of superiority for wireless service, northeast residents have once again discovered it has its limits:

  • They don?t work during major weather events that knock out power and limit access to maintain backup generators;
  • Cell networks are less capable of handling large call volumes, a problem made worse when cell phone refugees in other areas seek out remaining cell signals, further congesting the network;
  • Wireless is just as susceptible to wireline or fiber failures on the ground. Cell towers typically connect to providers through wired backhaul circuits, which knock out cell service if they fail;
  • Cell phone users need power to recharge their power-hungry smartphones. Batteries drain even faster searching for a weak or non-existent cell signal;

Hardest hit remains Verizon, which allowed reporters access inside damaged facilities to help New Yorkers better understand the scope of the problem.

http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/WSJ Wireless Network Outages 11-1-12.mp4

The Wall Street Journal takes a look at the state of the wireless communications networks across the northeastern U.S. and when service will be back. ?(4 minutes)

Eleven years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks that took out Verizon?s West Street office when buildings collapsed at the nearby World Trade Center, Verizon is likely going to have to re-learn some lessons about catastrophe management as flood waters recede.

Verizon has deployed this 53-foot Emergency Mobile Communications Center for use by the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management that provides Internet and phone service.

The Wall Street Journal was able to obtain access inside the damaged facilities, and the reporter covering the event was left somewhat stunned by the scope of the damage.

In the middle of organized, yet chaotic recovery efforts was Verizon?s chief technology officer Tony Melone who had seen enough to declare the damage worse than 9/11.

The pictures of several feet of muddy water from the nearby Hudson River covering the lobby of the company?s headquarters on West Street said it all. The mostly salt water was an unwelcome guest in Verizon?s building, especially considering the five level basement below the lobby contains critical cables and telecommunications equipment. Almost four of those basement floors were completely flooded. After the water was pumped out, dampness and leaves from nearby trees remain littered on the floor.

One lesson learned after 9/11 was not to place critical phone switches below ground level. After reconstruction, the switches were moved to a higher floor and consequently were left undamaged.?But while Verizon moved its backup generators upstairs, it left the pumps and fuel tanks that power them in the basement ? leaving them inoperable.

This morning, passersby on West Street have to step around Verizon?s network of generators now running outside of the building, right next to large temporary fuel tanks to power them.

Verizon central offices in other parts of Manhattan, particularly further southeast on Broad Street, were never upgraded and are in worse shape, with electrical equipment damaged perhaps beyond repair.?The force of the water was strong enough to bend the 86 year-old steel and bronze doors. Workers there are still trying to get water out of the building, shoving a pipe down an elevator shaft to facilitate pumping.

Verizon has some redundancy built into its network to protect its most valuable customers. That kept the landline phones working at the New York Stock Exchange, even though other landline and wireless customers will have ?to wait longer for service to resume.

AT&T?s generator staging area near Meriden, Connecticut. (Credit: Brian Pernicone)

Some critics of the increasingly concentrated telecommunications landscape think Verizon and other companies have still not learned enough to prevent the kinds of service disruptions that will leave some customers without service for weeks.

It is hard to miss the bustle outside of Verizon?s offices damaged by the storm, watching flood water drain down the street. But things are murkier at cell phone providers who have been less than forthcoming about specific outage information and service restoration assessments.

Some have advocated the federal government step in and require cell phone service, now deemed essential by an increasing number of Americans, be protected with robust backup solutions to keep service up and running after catastrophic weather events.

After Hurricane Katrina, the FCC in 2007 tried to issue new rules that required a minimum of eight hours of backup power for all cell sites. The industry balked, predicting it would lead to??staggering and irreparable harm? for the cell companies. One wireless trade association warned their members might take several cell sites down if they were forced to provide backup power.

The CTIA Wireless Association and Sprint-Nextel sued the agency in federal court and the Bush Administration?s?Office of Management and Budget eventually killed the proposed regulations.

T-Mobile and AT&T have cut an emergency deal to share their cellphone networks in areas affected by Superstorm Sandy. They?re trying to make it a little easier for customers to get a signal as carriers restore their networks. Some say companies should be forced to make their networks more resilient. National Public Radio?s Morning Edition has the story. (November 1, 2012) (3 minutes)
You must remain on this page to hear the clip, or you can download the clip and listen later.

Other stories of interest:

  1. AT&T Cell Towers in Connecticut Damaged by Winter Storm: 152; Verizon Wireless: 0
  2. Hurricane Sandy?s Wrath on Telecommunications Extends Beyond the Hardest Hit Areas
  3. Mid-Atlantic Storm Damage Shows Big Telecom Unprepared for Bad Weather
  4. Hurricane Irene Did Its Worst in North Carolina, Upstate NY, and New England
  5. Verizon Making Storm Preparations for Sandy?s Impact on Landline/Wireless Network

Source: http://stopthecap.com/2012/11/01/cell-service-deteriorating-in-ny-nj-verizon-regarding-damage-its-worse-than-911/

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